The F.A.C.T.S on building Friendship

I can’t make jokes. I’ve tried to, but I am just not a humorous gal. I also can’t come up with witty come back lines… this used to REALLY bug me, especially in social situations. I’d be trying to come up with excellent things to say instead of just enjoying and being in the present! However, I have finally come to accept the fact that this is OK! There’s absolutely NO need to be “the life of the party”!

So I’ve been reflecting on what makes a strong friendship. There needs to be chemistry, you can’t force friendships between people. Some personalities just “gel” with certain personalities.. and this is okay too! Secondly, one has to be comfortable in their own skin!! Seriously, now that I’ve accepted I just can’t make jokes- phew! It’s like this “heavy cloud” of expectation to be witty is just lifted off my shoulders! Now I can just concentrate on what’s important- getting to know others more and not be so damn self conscious!!

One of my goals for 2014 is to build deep friendships. I know that first of all, I will have to strip off that “invisible wall” I subconsciously put up. I know that I am going to have to be vulnerable (be real) for this to happen.

I also know that it will take A LOT of Patience- friendships don’t just happen without some work. I will be misunderstood and will misunderstand my friends – but this does not mean that they are “rejecting” me. I have to realise that my “people pleasing” tendency is causing me much unnecessary heartache- as long as I am right before God and my conscience is at peace.. That is all that matters!

Now what happens if along the way- I get discouraged? Perhaps my kindness and expressions of love as a friend is not reciprocated… Or perhaps it just takes too much energy and I rather just stay by myself and not be in social settings.. HOW do I remind myself to keep trying?

Well, I created this acronym – F.A.C.T.S of friendship building to remind my self..

F – Forgiveness
No one is perfect. Say my friend says something that “offends” or hurts my feelings. I am not going to assume and keep replaying thoughts in my mind- I will ask for some clarification.. And forgive. Let it go.

A- Acceptance
I will remind my self that I prayed to God to send me / bring close girlfriend/s into my life. So I will accept whoever it is that HE is going to bring into my life. Even if she is not someone I thought / imagined- I won’t judge her or have unnecessary expectations.

C- Community
My friendships is for the community that I have been placed in. So, when difficult moments occur – I will remind my self that what I choose to do will not only affect the relationship between my friend and I, but our community as a whole. Hence, we have the bigger community to think about (how it will affect the rest of our friends etc).

C – is ALSO for Compassion
To know that no one is perfect. That everyone needs grace too.. To be compassionate is to look at the person or situation with a different lens (to see what is really the underlying cause instead of what seems to be at face value). This will help me to understand others more, not be judgmental, be understanding, empathetic and supportive.

T- Truth
This will remind me to speak words of Truth in our conversations. Since the Word is filled with God’s Truth- I will choose to use words that encourage my friends based on His Word.

S- Sincerity
I love this one! “Sincerity” is defined as “The quality of being free from pretense, deceit and hypocrisy”. It involves being authentic and stripping off the mask to be “perfect”. This is possible when I continue to be comfortable in my own skin.

Building friendships take daily effort too. This does not mean that we have to “bombard” the other person with lots of calls and texts.. However, what I can do is to pray for my close friends daily and spend time together intentionally. I read this quote which really struck a chord within my heart..

“We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make, which, over time, add up to big differences which we often cannot foresee” ~ Marian Wright Edelman

Normally, I tend to prefer spending time on my own. However, how can I build friendship if I don’t spend time with others?


My childhood friend who I had not seen for 10 years is in Sydney at the moment! I caught up with her over breakfast yesterday morning and we had such a beautiful time together. I have not seen her as we both moved cities and now she is living overseas at the moment. The amazing thing is that although we had not seen each other for far too long, it was really as if we hadn’t moved at all! We shared so much and encouraged each other… I was also more conscious about being real and authentic.. And yeah, it felt really good to be real with her and we had such a blessed time together.

Here’s a photo of us taken after our breakfast:


Invest in people rather than things. Friendship has no time limits.

24 thoughts on “The F.A.C.T.S on building Friendship

  1. analyticalperspective says:

    I’m glad to see that you are accepting yourself as you are as well as others. I used to wear a mask, but it was exhausting, but I also know that the people who care about me truly care about me. Anyway, one thing that can influence relationship cohesion is the five love languages. Finding out yours and that of those you love is fun, informative, and crucial to loving people in a way they understand. So here’s the link and there is a link to Gary Chapman’s free test:

    Also, by what you say I am guessing you are a wonderful, deep-thinking introvert, so here is a link that is fun and geared for you:

    P.S. You and your friend are lovely! So fresh-faced : )


    • Mel says:

      Thank you Heather! Yeah I think I might be an introvert! Not sure as people say “I’m a happy and bubbly person” which indicates certain outgoing-ness but in reality deep down I am not into large groups at all and going out. I much prefer to be on my own and.. blogging! I will take that test and have a read at your article soon!! Thanks for that. I did read the 5 love languages book but I think I need to re take the test again too!!


      • analyticalperspective says:

        They say introverts are difficult to spot, because we are outgoing. When I try to explain that I am introverted often the response is, “No way! There is no way you are an introvert!” But our personalities are also caring, so we seek to make the people around us comfortable and we care much about truly understanding the people in our world, which is why we are attentive. Introversion is more about being a deep-thinking and introspective person. It’s special to think with introversion, because we have the privilege of knowing life’s deeper meanings.

        What did you think about 5 love languages when you took it?


      • Mel says:

        No way! I never knew that Heather! For some reason I just thought introverts are really quiet!! Ahhhh yeah I might be an introvert then!!

        I definitely found the 5 love languages really interesting. I’ve always tried to figure out how my family and people I know feel loved the most. It’s fun.. I think mine changed though!!! I used to enjoy gifts now I don’t care as much at all. Quality time used to be THE VERY LAST but I see the value of it much more now (don’t know whether it’s because of Jase’s influence though as that’s his love language!). Being married certainly changes people too!


      • analyticalperspective says:

        Lol. Very cool! I loved the list, because I completely identified…as far as the love languages, I think it is entirely plausible to change. I’ve always been a quality time person myself. Knowing the love languages of others has helped me a lot, especially when I’m not feeling loved by others. For example, my sister will text me and tell me she loves me, but then she’ll ignore my requests to have lunch or talk on the phone. She’s not big on quality time and she loves giving and receiving gifts, whereas I don’t particularly feel loved when receiving a gift, but I love to give gifts, which is backwards. Anyway, understanding people keeps me from judging others. It’s like Abraham Lincoln said, “I don’t like him. I must get to know him better.” Oh. You might like this one too since you are analytical. It’s about personality types and there’s a link to take a personality test and get a free personality profile. I get anyone I know to take it (i.e. co-workers, family, friends, clients) because it helps me tailor my social interaction. For instance, my sister is an ESFP and she would have stopped reading this post after the first paragraph : )


    • Mel says:

      Aggghhh your blog won’t load up! Don’t worry I think it’s just my device/ extremely slow Internet connection.. But I’ll have a read and let you know the results


      • analyticalperspective says:

        Okay, great! I’m excited. I love being a part of what people learn about themselves. I’m excited to understand you more!


  2. joedalio says:

    I found this post very enjoyable to read, and love the FACTS part. I have found that the best way to enjoy a deep friendship is to get deep with yourself. When you truly love yourself and appreciate who you really are, it opens the door for others to do the same with you. And I’m sure you can easily make someone laugh : )


    • Mel says:

      Thank you for your comment and I’m glad you found it an enjoyable read. What you said is true, I’m in this process of liking and appreciating how God made me and especially love what you wrote “it opens the door for others to do the same with you” amen to that!

      Thank you, yes I make ppl laugh but not by joking or making “smart”/witty comments.. And that’s ok! God made me as a serious person! You’re welcome to come and visit again if you would like!


  3. meepolife says:

    Hi there! I really enjoyed your post. I too am trying to navigate the waters of friendship and authenticity. I think that the mask can go on when we are feeling vulnerability and sensitivity within ourselves. But these are two qualities that are a blessing to others and ourselves. Hang in there! PS. I find Byron Katie’s work on judgement and forgiveness to be intriguing.


  4. hugmamma says:

    I’ve learned to accept that, unlike others who have kept up their friendships for decades, I’m less about quantity and more about quality. A few close friends with whom I share common interests and who exude positive energy are relationships I keep going. Aside from them, I try to be friendly to all, never knowing when I might uncover another true gem. I consider you to be among one of my most recent discoveries…my international girlfriend. Hugs!


  5. blessedart1111 says:

    I love your honesty Mel, you seem like such a beautiful person inside and out…reminds me much of myself. LOL…;=) I absolutely enjoy reading your post, they really give me things to ponder and discuss at an relatable level. Thanks for sharing Mel. BTW Nice pic of you and your friend, you guys look great!

    Be A Blessing!



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