Uncontainable Cough

For some time now my attitude towards serving at church have been half-hearted. I was paralyzed with pride, and my ego controlled my emotions. I’m part of the worship ministry, which is a wonderful ministry and I am blessed to be a part of it. However, I have been clouded with blindness, and as a result, my attitude to serving Him in this capacity is very self-centered. I did not want to give my best to God and the church.

Last night, on the drive to worship rehearsal (held at church), I kept on coughing. It wasn’t a normal “flu-like” coughing becuase it was SO persistent, continuous and it would not stop!!! It was SCARY and dangerous! I was driving for about 2 km and at that point something in my heart said “this is not of God!”. So I said out loud with authority: “In the Name of Jesus, Stop coughing”. To be honest, actually I wasn’t expecting much!!

Immediately after saying that, the coughing actually stopped! I was half taken aback and half felt like cold icy water has been poured over!

Last night’s worship practice was actually a really blessed time, and I thank God for this! Everyone was listening to each other, and played in unity. In sync. I believe that it was the power of prayer as well, I’m certain there were individuals who prayed for last night’s practice and the team.

I also believe this incident showed me that I’ve greatly sinned against God, in my attitude towards serving, towards having a heart for HIM.

I have never, ever experienced anything like this before in which something so completely out the ordinary- the type of unusual coughing, and after saying “In the Name of Jesus, stop coughing!” my coughing actually stopped. I knew that this was a spiritual attack!!

However, praise God, we know that when the evil one knows that God’s purposes are being carried out, the enemy will always try to cause hindrances for the work of God and His Kingdom to be accomplished. That is why, most of the times, things are not smooth!! That is also why, we need to always cover ourselves with the precious Blood of Jesus from the moment we wake up to when we are about to sleep.

Prayer and keeping ourselves secure in the WORD is CRUCIAL!

Forgive me Father, for my attitude towards serving and pride! Forgive me for taking You for granted with very little reverence!! You are indeed worthy of ALL our worship, You alone are Worthy!

OH also- during team devotions after our practice, our pastor’s wife, Ps Esa who is the one worship leading asked us all to write down the things that we are grateful for this month. She reminded me the importance of BRINGING TO REMEMBRANCE THE GOOD THINGS THAT THE LORD HAVE DONE in our lives.

How EASY it is for us to forget and yet magnify the negatives and disappointments in our day to day living!! Yet, when we remember the GRACE and Good things that The Lord has done in our lives, it definitely rids us of all bitterness and wrongful thinking!!

From last night’s coughing incident – here are a few things that I learnt (which I hope will speak to you as well):

  • The moment we are half hearted towards serving the Lord, serving His people, serving the church- CHECK our hearts!

For me, it was because of nasty pride. Pride is completely foolish and blinding. Pride in thinking I’m  the right one and entitled. God is still dealing with my pride, but I realise that I too can be wrong. LOL du-uh! Praise God that we have a God who is PATIENT! Praise God that He made me realise this!!!! 

  • Spiritual Attacks ARE REAL. 

When we are serving God and doing His purposes here on earth, no matter how seemingly insignificant/small it is, it will attract the attention of the enemy. SO, to prevent any mishappenings, PRAY, to combat any ‘fiery’ darts, PRAY. To STOP the enemy from distracting us PRAY AND STAY SECURE IN THE WORD.

Easier said than done. I know. Praise God that we have a God who is MERCIFUL!

  • Bring to Remembrance the Good things that He has done in our lives. 

Here is a beautiful song that we are doing this Sunday called “You have been Good”. With a powerful declaration: “You Have Been Good”

Here is a youtube link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHUkOs9LBRA


Power in the Name of Jesus!

Please share some of the things that God has been Good to you in your personal daily life. He is indeed GOOD.

Discerning God’s Will and New Job (July’16)

I haven’t blogged for a bit because I needed to pause and surrender my motivations for blogging 🙂 

Things have also been a little busy as I am adjusting to a new routine with my new job. However, I wanted to share a little testimony about the new job I got as a piano teacher at Shine Music School. Currently working 4 days (Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri) and 1 day for my own private students. My routine is slightly different now, but I still have ample time for quiet time and Bible Study as well as house work in the mornings and if Jase is working from home, quality time with him during the day.

A while back, I shared how there was a season of waiting on God’s direction for this season. My husband has released me from helping him in the business, and for a time I was just  wondering what am I supposed to do now? There are more than enough hours to kill even after all the housework and time with God!! (I mean that in the most respectful way).

My mind was constantly buzzing with ideas of what I could do – I love being productive, and it was like I was suffocating not doing anything..! But, it was Wait that I had to do.

Waiting on God. Savoring His Words, Reading, Praying and Journaling.

God Had His Own Agenda.

I had planned to promote my services to the community. I kept praying about that, and always, the words that were given to me was “WAIT. Don’t promote yourself. I (God) will bring the students to you”. I wondered at the time, How? How would God bring students in if I don’t do anything? Maybe it’s not the time?

I wondered at the time: How would God bring students in if I don’t do anything? Maybe it’s not the time?

I prayed and surrendered that EVEN if I was doing absolutely NOTHING other than being a wife and taking care of the house, it is ABSOLUTELY OK.

I remember that day  clearly, it was a Friday. There’s a job advertisement website in Australia called seek.com. I’ve never used it in the past, as I was always self-employed, and the only time I wasn’t self-employed was when I worked in real estate, and that was because I knew the people working there.

So, I just typed in “music teacher” and this role came up. I applied, not really expecting much. Got called in for an interview on Monday, a second interview on Thursday and letter of offer that night. Crazy fast!

Prior to coming to the first interview, I was SHAKING!

I absolutely had enough of doing things on my own accord, and said to God: “Lord, I’m sorry if I was impulsive in applying for this job on seek.com (I was scared if this was not His Will), Lord, do YOU want me to be here? Please make it Clear and obvious, otherwise, I don’t want to be here”.

Jase (my husband) supported me and that was important because I really needed to know that he was ok with me working again. It was about 6 months after I stopped helping him in the business. I had a bit of guilt and yeah, sense of failure for not being able to help him. I suppose when you’re one, when one hurts, the other hurts too. However the guilt was just overwhelming. So Jase reassured me constantly (I need to hear things repetitively, otherwise, It does not ‘sink’ in). Jase is doing well, yes, I still think he needs someone to help him as he’s more of a big-picture kind of person and the details sometimes are lost on him (well sometimes what I think are important, he doesn’t and vice versa)

Prior to coming in to the first interview, I did get a number of verses but It wasn’t a clincher enough for me to really have the confidence that It was OK by God..

The clincher verse was received after the interview.I came home, and just started praying and reading the Word seeking His directions. I had no idea actually how I went on the interview. However, I got this verse from Proverbs..


As workers who tend a fig tree are allowed to eat the fruit, so workers who protect their employer’s interests will be rewarded. (Proverbs 27:18)

This verse was significant because a month prior, I was listening to a podcast on the will of God, and the passage expounded also had “fig tree” mentioned –

Then Jesus told this parable: “A man had a fig tree that was planted in his vineyard. He went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the keeper of the vineyard, ‘Look, for the past three yearsI have come to search for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Therefore cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone again this year, until I dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine. But if not, you can cut it down. (Luke 13: 6-9)

The following things were significant:

  1. The Last 3 Years…


I was working as a registered Music Therapist with the elderly. While it was financially rewarding, I was essentially working full time hours. It was full on and I was needing a break. After 5 years of Music Therapy, I decided to try Real Estate.

In 2014-2015

Wow. Most Intense Period of my work life. Never did anything so difficult and challenging and stressful!! To all real estate agents who have made it, HATS off to you!  However, I realised recently that there was a purpose for me being in real estate for that period! So it was not all in vain. Other than personal growth, there are things that are happening and if I wasn’t at that real estate office at that time, these things would not have occurred today.


Helped Jase with the business.

For spouses who would like to work together, you have to be TOUGH SKINNED. Then again my sensitive-ness is probably more than the usual person’s so..

The last 3 years, have been VERY tumultuous. Often I felt like smacking my self in the head for the many times I’ve stuffed up!!

2. “Fig Tree”

Truth be told, I never thought of working at a music school, but when that verse from Proverbs came up, the “Fig Tree”  is the school, my students, the role I’m in.. and to protect the interest of my employer.. it was the clincher verse that it was OK by God.

3. “Tend”

The Luke passage had the Keeper of the Vineyard requesting the owner to let him “dig around the tree and fertilize it”. This is an act of “tending” / “taking care” of something.I felt the Lord was personally saying “go ahead and take care of this”.


I realise that I need to see growth and find meaning in what I do. It was SUCH A RELIEF when I realised that I actually really enjoy teaching piano and that it fits. It’s not emotionally draining and although I’m heavily invested in my students, I’ve learnt  to be careful and not be TOO emotionally involved to prevent any future burn outs.. I’m learning to also be honest and say what I need to say to my boss, to prevent misunderstandings and any chances of things going sour. I thank God that the school has a healthy working environment. I’m also learning to not worry so much over parents’ expectations..!

It is one on one teaching setting, which is good, because sometimes when you’re doing group work, it can be pretty intense. There is variety yet within routine and structure still! I love that there are different levels and challenges for each student to grow in and so it is not boring at all.. Lastly, I love seeing students improve and their smiles! Or when they find something challenging, but then they get a “lightbulb moment” and they can now do whatever it was that is challenging.. I love seeing growth and improvement even with the most cheekiest, and motivating the students to practice!

God Is TRUE to His Word!

I want to testify how when He said to my heart:

WAIT! Don’t do anything yet!

WAIT, don’t promote yourself. I will bring the students to you.. and He did!

God brought the students in through the school. They were never chosen or selected by me.. I have 27-30 regular students each week from the school. My youngest is 4.5, to working adults. I have a few students doing exams this November who are keeping me on my toes!! However, I love them still. 🙂 Time goes really fast, and I look forward to coming in to work. I thank God for this and it is all to HIS Glory ALONE. He’s teaching me to serve for the audience of One too!

God knows. Even if I had my own ideas.. He TRULY KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR US.

If God has asked you to wait.. try and be patient.. I know being patient is freaking difficult. However, Seek His Face above all else and He will Certainly DIRECT your ways.

Keep on Reading the Word, Praying, Journaling and Worshipping Him!




What is a “gentle and quiet spirit”? 

There is a verse which says-

“You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God” (1 Peter 3:4)

I know that this verse is meant to be for women.. But, can it also apply to men? 🙂

A gentle and quiet spirit doesn’t necessarily mean you are timid, shy or quiet. I believe it is a state of rested-ness and composure on the inside. It is a strength. It is a quiet knowing and complete trust in the Lord…

August last year was the beginning of God ‘pruning’ me.. of me coming to the end of my self. I was so wound up and anxious, that this verse really spoke to my heart and became my “anchor” verse:

“Only in returning to Me and resting in Me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15)

When I am “restless” on the inside, I will act compulsively. I may not shout or be vocally angry, but my moodiness or impulsive behaviour indicate that my spirit is at unrest.

Having a gentle and quiet spirit is personally something I’m waiting for Holy Spirit to teach me about. I’m not there yet.. However as I have been thinking about why we are so anxious and unrested.. this word comes to mind:


I suspect that the root of my unrest on the inside which causes me to be compulsive is linked with Pride amongst other things. However ‘pride’ is the common “denominator”.

What is pride? Here is one definition that resonates –

A high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

Pride can manifest itself in many ways. However,I realise in my own struggles with pride, it has to do something with my need to prove my self, insecurity and the need for entitlement. As embarassing as this will sound, often bringing my self up too highly, believing that I am “better than others” and so when I’m asked to do something that is “below” me, I will react.

Imagine that you’re a really good skii-er. Just imagine that you’re so good that you are at Olympics level. Yet due to whatever the circumstance or reason, you end up as a ski store’s salesperson.

I know nothing about skiing or being an athlete.. so I’m just using this as an example – in extreme ends.

How would you feel?

Honestly, how would you feel? Forget about the Christian jargon or the “right” answer.

You would feel like crap right?

Unless you are a truly, serving hearted person, or just “live life as you go along” kind of a person, you would feel like you should be doing something “better” right? I’m not saying that being a salesperson is not a good role, it is just that in this instance, imagine you are a professional athlete and this has been your dream.

I read recently of an interesting passage in Job –

For God speaks again and again though people do not recognize it…. He whispers in their ears.. He makes them turn from doing wrong; He keeps them from pride. (Job 33:14, 17)

We know that our ego and pride can make us fall into sin and temptations of many kinds. However this verse shows that God in His Grace, allows certain events to occur.. to PREVENT us from falling in pride! This is AMAZING!! The purpose of His discipline is to “keep” us from pride!  Being peaceful on the inside is opposite to exalting ourselves, being puffed up and prideful.

A Peaceful and Quiet spirit, is one that is Gentle, meek, kind and patient. Even if it is being wronged, it will still remain trusting.. not on own strength, power or abilities, rather, trusting in God alone!

God is the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth. He is Mightier that the Strongest Man. Why must we be restless? Why must we place confidence in our own wisdom? Why must we be fearful and insecure? He Holds the World in His Hands and He knows us by Name!! Let us not try to do things our way, or feel entitled to certain things. Let us keep humble, in due time He will raise us up. However, only when we have fully surrendered our all. Including our egos!

Remembering whatever is inside our heart can determine the course of our lives, are you currently “unrested” on the inside? What could possibly be the cause? Help us Lord, to check our hearts and its motivations.



“Insecurity”? Gasp!

You know the feeling when you know you have to get up early the next day but you can’t sleep? Grrrrrrrrr! Well at 2am this morning I woke up and could not get back to sleep! Also had this passage in my head – a passage I was reading just before bed:

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels–a plentiful harvest of new lives. (John 12:24)

Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. (John 12:25)

Ok let’s backtrack a bit. 

We had a guest pastor minister to us this weekend. He is also gifted in prophesy – word of knowledge, word of wisdom and discernment.

Cut a long story short- I asked him to pray for my mind. My heart is getting healthy and healthier.. (thank You Lord).. But my mind, sometimes I am still plagued with negative thoughts. 

So I have wondered why.. Why am I still thinking and doubting myself? Have you ever experienced negative self talk? Imagine that happening daily, frequently. It ain’t pretty. 

As the pastor prayed for me, the word.”insecurity” came up. I went back home and googled “insecurity”. It is defined as “not confident about yourself or your ability to do things well : nervous and uncomfortable”. People who are insecure loves to hide, and avoid things (whamo!). Also, they have low self worth / low self esteem and are constantly trying to find their worth. 

Wow! So basically, it explains why I behave the way I am.. it is because I am trying to find my worth/significance and identity in what I do or what I am. 

Oh Lord! 

As I could not sleep, I was reflecting on this passage and God showed me that I have to give up my life. Hmmmm God, I thought I gave you my life already?? 

Yes, I did. But I still cared too much about it. 

“Those who love their life in this world will lose it”

“Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity” 

We can still give our life to God- but care too much for it. Yes, God asks us to be good stewards of this life. However, what is our deepest motivations?? 

Let me take exercise and eating healthily as an example. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a good thing isn’t? As we know the Bible says – for our body is a temple of His Holy Spirit, so we need to take care of it. 

The Bible also says- 

“for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come”. (1 Tim 4:8)

We can care for our life but not care for it too much. Vanity, is as poisonous as unforgiveness to a person with insecurity issues. A person who is insecure often will try to keep up appearances / wear “masks” so that they appear good or pleasing. 

I’m talking from experience here. 

So – when that verse said “unless a kernel of wheat is planted into soil and dies. It remains alone”.

I see my life as that kernel of wheat. It has to die. (No, not killing myself..! Rather, dying to my fleshly desires). I have to die to my insecurity so I can be fruitful for God’s glory. I have to die to my tendency to shrink back so I can be fruitful for Him. I have to die and unmask myself boldly so that I can be fruitful for His Kingdom. 

But its death will produce many new kernels–a plentiful harvest of new lives. (John 12:24)

To be fruitful here is to produce a harvest of new lives. I have been in bondage that I could not effectively minister to others. I have to put this to death first! 

You know what I said before? People who are insecure loves to just hide? Well, as it was dark at 2am this morning, my husband was also asleep- I really wanted to read the Word. So I got onto the You Version bible app- the verse for today was: 

You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word (Psalm 119:114)

You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah. (Psalm 32:7)

At times like this I thank God for technology!! How amazing is that? “Songs of deliverance” and “He is our hiding place”… Thank You Lord! 

So,  I am fighting insecurity with God as my Hiding place. I will rest and move only behind Him. I sincerely pray and hope that this post will minister to you. 

However, upon wise advice of those closest to me, I have decided not to blog for a bit. I do not want blogging to feed my source of worth or significance. God is teaching me sooooo sooooo sooooooo much there is a lot for me to “digest”. I am eager to pass it on but…

With everything there is timing

I’m glad that I am on my way to  unmasking with myself, my family and church family. It is uncomfortable and unnerving as all changes are- but how else is one supposed to fight their inner battles? Yes, God is with me but I need to act as well despite the risk of being judged and misunderstood. 

As long as God loves me, and I have a handful of close and trusted individuals around – at this stage this is more than enough! I’m already so blessed! 

I don’t know when I will post next on this blog- I sense I need to wait. Sometimes in my eagerness and enthusiasm to ‘minister’ or share my testimony I rush God’s timing. However, to my blogging buddies – rest assured I’ll still be reading yours!! 😉 

With that I leave you to a song that  has become one of my favorites! The lyrics are soooo beautiful and poignant. Whoever wrote it must have seen Him 🙂 

“You are my Hiding Place” by True Worshipers. 

How can I hear God’s Voice?


“How do you know that it is God’s voice and not yours?” is a phrase that I get asked often 🙂 What does God’s voice sound like? How does God speak? Can God Speak? How do I discern what His will is for my life? It is HARD to describe what “hearing from God” is like. I may sound ‘weird’ here.. but here goes nothing..

Yesterday, Jase (my husband) was working from home. Now, I’m one of those loud, “not so gentle” people where I just make NOISES. Be it washing the dishes, for some reason the tap will be turned on loudly, ummm what else? Oh.. I sing! Look, I’ve tried to stop my self but I do sing spontaneously, second to speaking, I sing. Sing and sigh! haha 😉

So – I kid you not.. Yesterday, I just had this “sense”.. “don’t sing today” (even if it’s a worship to God).. I was like: errrr… nah.. I’m just “hearing” things or “sensing” things. However, this “don’t sing today” sense/ voice was repeated.

Call me trying to over spiritualise things, but I do believe that even in the tiniest, littlest details God speaks. There have been MANY times, where I had “alarm bells” going on (seriously) and it was as if I was being warned.. but out of whatever the reason I just ignored it.. and well yep, those ‘warning bells’ were  correct! There have been many times as well when I just followed His leading and amazing things have happened as a result!

So, back to the “don’t sing today” sense.. guess what? My husband actually finds it super distracting/annoying! ;P The thing was, I completely ignored that sense/ voice and sang.. and sang… and sang.. and the hubby.. well he was in the zone yesterday, and got grumpy with my singing… (oops!)

Now, this “sense” or “voice” that I’m talking about.. have become rather familiar.. because there are times when I sensed “speak to this person… ” “say this.. “, “say that…
“they’re concerned about this… ” “this is what they are going through..”

Of course, there are also times when I misinterpret what I have to do or not do based on FEAR. This is usually in the area of personal DECISION MAKING! I’m actually still trying to discern whenever these ‘senses’ come..  (whether it is my own fear or whether it is of God). So, I guess this post is not really a ‘handbook’ per say, rather, my personal experience.

I have to say though, with MAJOR (I repeat.. MAJOR).. with MAJOR decisions you cannot just rely on these “senses”. Sorry if I do not make sense.. how do I describe these quiet voice / sense thing? Sometimes in the form of a nudge.. A tugging.. A pulling.. other times, a persistent thought.. other times, just a sense.

For me the major decisions were: whether to date (when Jase came into the picture), marriage, and after marriage, when we were praying about getting into the business. All these three major life events were based on clear verses, and/or confirmations from the Bible. Some were repeated verses/themes. For instance, when Jase came into the picture, I was scared. I didn’t want to just date for the sake of dating. Whoever it is that I date I had to be assured that he was the one God wanted for me. Before and when Jase did come into the scene, I kept getting verses to “not fear” because that fear was soo sooooo strong. There were other verses that were crystal clear that told me “something was going to happen”, to prepare my heart. So in times when I just felt so hopeless in our marriage, we remember that it was God who brought us together! Funnily enough we actually felt like our marriage wasn’t arranged by either of us, it was so divinely orchestrated. Even so, our marriage has not been easy. Jase is the patient type, me – haha no patience. If not for those verses, and confirming that Jase is the one..that’s why we are still together. Marriage is another topic I would like to talk about.. ho ho ho it’s Character growth!!

The other MAJOR decision since being married, was getting into business. Jase still works but on a casual basis (he teaches animation to primary / elementary students). A couple of years ago, Jase casually did backyard parties and hired out some party equipments.. but he always had this dream.. little did we know that he would be doing weddings and larger more formal scale events a mere 12 months later! So a business opportunity came and it was hiring out tent marquees and furniture for special events.. I was actually the one hesitant.. (usually, I’m the risk taker). So we both had to pray and be united. Jase surrendered his desire, I was still hesitant as I’m not familiar with the industry (ho ho ho neither of us were familiar with it!!) and in November, as we were praying about whether or not to get into this business.. one morning God gave us such a clear passage.. it was almost literal:

“Glad songs of salvation are in the tents of the righteous: “The right hand of the LORD does valiantly, the right hand of the LORD exalts, the right hand of the LORD does valiantly!” (Psalm 118: 15)

“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23)


The Splendid Tent Marquees we hire out..

There were other verses that spoke to us.. but I was still hesitant.. but that particular verse at that time, really spoke to both of us.. I wasn’t so hesitant afterwards 🙂 Similarly to our marriage, there were times when I got discouraged, if not for the verses, confirmations to get into the business, we would not have lasted. Hey it’s still new learning for us, but Jase is stewarding the business, I’m praying for him 🙂 and helping out a bit here and there..

So, definitely, the Bible is paramount for major decision making because when the tough time comes, you only have the Word to hold on to and to prevent you from “throwing the towel in”. Knowing my weakness, I get easily bored. Ho ho ho… so yep, in MAJOR life events, I just have to know that God wants me to do this / or that… otherwise I would totally be restless.

Which brings me to the NEXT one.. guess where I am now? I am still restless, but restless to DO SOMETHING! God must be shaking His head. If you know what I have been doing in the last few days, the ideas that I get, the things that I want to do… ho ho ho maybe you would utter a prayer for me :). The husband had to restrain me more than a couple of times and I had to release grace to him more than a few times! 🙂

The point is this…

  • God speaks! For me, He doesn’t speak audibly.. but I think through a “sense”..  through tugs, a pulling and sometimes being “drawn to something/someone”..
  • Just that sense “speak this.. ” “this is happening… ” … sorry if this is not descriptive/ clear/ or still vague 😦
  • No matter how small, little it seems..
  • Fear can destructively get in the way of obeying HIM. Are you fearful about something?
  • With Major Decisions… Always base it in the WORD.
  • The Bible is actually very relevant for today’s life issues and questions. I personally get surprised sometimes at how Clear the Word can be to guide and instruct us. AMAZING!
  • Be Patient.. and In waiting, just keep on…. yes, you know what I’m about to say.. keep on…


Despite what we think about ourselves (our capabilities and all), or even the amount of resources we may have in our fingertips.. We can’t do something on our own. God and His Word is the only Glue that holds our life together. Seek Him. He will answer. 🙂




Whenever you question God… 

I was having lunch with a dear friend recently when this topic came up. My friend is gifted with an iniquisitive and curious mind. She loves theories and knowing the “why”. Of course at times she questions God as to why things happen which makes her doubt Him. For instance, the massacre that happened in Orlando on Sunday, to controversial topics, to life issues and its mysteries. 
I don’t believe that questioning God is a “bad” thing. In fact, I encourage all believers to question God – and boldly ask Him “WHY”. 
God is Spirit, and the Bible says that when we believe in Him, His spirit joins with our spirit. 

When His spirit is in our heart, we can hear His voice CLEARLY, and although we may not understand fully “why” things happen, the way we see things and our perspective changes. We are able to discern what is good, true, pure and right. Rather than Filling our minds and hearts with man-made ideas, thoughts and beliefs. 

God speaks. Let Him! 

However, before a person can hear from Him, there are a few areas  that needs to be addressed: 

1) How is your relationship with God? 

If you are in a relationship with God, what is the condition of your heart? Is it hurting? Is it hardened? Is it heavy? 
A heart can be hardened because of wounds (hurts) that have culminated and not been dealt released, or our own “stubbornness” wanting to live our way, or rebelliousness. 

That is why the Bible clearly says take every thought captive to the Word of God!

A hardened heart will not be able to hear God’s voice. 

How can God speak to someone when their heart is “against” Him, closed or hardened in the first place? 

2) What is your FOUNDATION? Are you built on Sand or Rock? 

Are you filling your minds with the ideologies of this world? Or are you filling it with Truth? 

How can you know what is Truth if you are swayed back and forths with the theories, culture and popular beliefs of this world? How can one discern? 

People’s opinions and theories are everywhere- but they are just that: Man Made. 

What are you basing your thoughts, ideologies on? Man-made wisdom or God’s Wisdom? 

I would rather not be easily swayed and confused, and instead ask for His Wisdom! The Bible says – 

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5)

After ensuring that you are in a right relationship with God and filling your mind with the Word- if you are unsure about something and question God.. Ask Him! Ask His Holy Spirit to speak into your heart and to personally help you to discern and understand His Will, His Word. 

God is a Wise God. He is also Sovereign. There are many things in life that happens and we don’t have answers to. We may never know the answers until we meet Him but… From now till that day, wouldn’t be better if we can just be open to hearing His Voice? At times, yes, there will be unanswered questions.. But know that He knows what is Best and that GOD has the bigger picture and perspective even wiser than our own logic or reasoning. 

Pass IT on! 

Have you ever thought about the Christians who don’t know why they are even Christians or why they believe what they believe? Deep down they may feel like they are hypocrites or “phoneys”.
I was one of them. 

So, when God delivered me from all the confusion, spiritual blindness and just feeling like an absolute phoney this verse really resonates –

“Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy” (1 Peter 2:10)

Side note: In case you would like to read my testimony, it is in a blog post titled “A miracle happened…” 

This verse also resonates –

“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!” (Eph 5:8)

You and I – as delivered children of God, we belong to God! His light is in us! Where there is light, there can be no darkness.

I myself am challenged to live wisely, to number my days with God’s Wisdom, because life is short.

Life is way TOO short! 

The Bible tells us to make the most of every opportunity in these last days. Our believing and unbelieving family, friends, colleagues, neighbors are watching us.

There are Christians who are just as lost and stumbling in the dark! There are many Christians with questions but they may be fearful in voicing out their doubts in fear of judgement or whatever their reason is..

Can you see those who are staggering in the dark, lost and without hope in their lives? When the Light of Jesus can set anyone FREE from the clutches of darkness!


Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.. Without Him no one can have access to God the Father!

Jesus is the key that unlocks it all!

Our friends and family may not know exactly what it is, but to those who are seeking.. there is definitely something refreshing about us!
Imagine a ray of light shining brightly in the heart of the individual who has been delivered… There is wholeness! There is joy and peace! There is LIFE!

We must constantly PRAY that their eyes and hearts may be opened. 

Pray that the light in you and I may be passed on to them.

Be a channel of His love today. Reach out, Bring Healing to someone today. By His stripes we have been Healed. Pass it on!

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise, making the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants us to do” (Ephesians 5:15-17)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for delivering us from darkness and into Your Kingdom of Light. Help us to live life with intention and purpose each day. Even in our small act of blogging to activities that involve our family members, friends, and others in the community – Lord God, if there is anyone that is searching for You, please give us the grace to share and pass on Your light!

Also Lord, knowing our human tendency to ‘get the glory’ sometimes… I ask that You will sanctify and keep everything holy. Let it never be about us but let everything that we do be for Your Glory alone. Thank You Lord Jesus, for leading us always by Your Spirit.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, AMEN.



 Satisfied (a poem)

In assurance I raise my hands to Thee

The lover and comforter of my soul

Most blessed are those with ears to hear, eyes to see

The Truth which sets us free and makes us whole

What is man, that You would care for our kind? 

For we are here today, gone tomorrow

Easily deceived, always looking to find

Easily satisfied, bringing You sorrow

But you would wait for us to return to You.

You keep perfect watch, even in the night. 

Till we realise life’s meaningless without You-    

Only then can we be truly satisfied 

~ melinda

We can be so easily satisfied with the things of this world. When our Creator God designed us to know Him. Only then will we be satisfied and find meaning in life. 

Why do women compare? 

I’m not talking about envying or jealousy here, just the act of “comparing” itself. Though the danger of comparing is becoming jealous and not being content. This can very well be deadly to your soul and spirit! 

I don’t think every woman compares themselves with others. Perhaps certain personalities are more prone, especially perfectionists or those who have high expectations of themselves perhaps? Or those who are not happy with the way they are currently.

So I got back to FB recently  and re-connected with a friend from wayyyyy back. In fact, she’s a lot younger than me. She was part of my life group, we used to be in dance ministry, hanged and shared history together. 

As I was looking at her FB profile – I saw how she has matured so much! Is now a mum to 2 boys, a housewife and teaching piano from home. She loves to cook and is very “girly”.

Now, I’m not saying that I’m jealous towards her, but I felt like wow! She is doing so well now! That is so awesome! However, I could not help but compare! 

My friend is really the perfect housewife- she cooks authentic and complicated dishes, looks amazing and has matured so much. 

The thing is… There will ALWAYS, always be someone who is more capable in certain areas, more this and that… As as women we will generally compare. 

But, isn’t that a bit silly? Why can’t we simply just appreciate  the gifts and talents the other person has

Why can’t we also just THANK God that the person is in a good relationship with Him rather than living a life without God! To just appreciate God’s work in their lives??

Ok- I may not be a chef OR housewife-y, I may not always look glamorous either. Didn’t I want to be simpler anyway in terms of clothing and style? 

[Talking to myself here] Didn’t you want to have a ‘minimalist’ wardrobe, Mel? Why are you now  looking at other people’s clothes? Just appreciate their sense of style and that’s it! Thank God that the person has good sense of style, and let them embrace it! It’s who they are! 

You see, even I compared myself with this friend who I see have grown into such a beautiful lady inside and out. I’m so proud of her, and I hope that she will continue to grow and flourish as a wife, mother and of course as a daughter of God!!

I need to be grateful for the gifts, talents and portion that God has given me. If I would like to be a better cook, then do learn and grow, don’t just compare with other people’s cooking! 

I’m reminding myself too here – but if ever you find yourself  comparing.. Please know that all of us were created by God with specific traits and qualities. If you see another woman with a trait or  quality you admire, THANK Him! Praise God that she is walking with Him and He is using her in her calling and purpose!

If the person is not yet in a right relationship with the Lord, pray that she will be saved and be used by God! If you want to grow in an area that is not your strength, pray and ask God for discernment and guidance. 

Lastly, know that you yourself have MANY ADMIRABLE qualities! Praise and thank God that He has given you this life and the people around you to steward. In all things, give thanks! That’s the best way to remember all that God has done and give Him the glory! 



Procrastination Paralysis

Here I am blogging, when I am supposed to be doing something else. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. My excuse is I’m having a “coffee break” (and it’s not even real coffee *gasp!*).

How do you discipline yourself to do something that may be umm ‘uninteresting’?

I feel terrible for saying this, but I’m doing a bit of transcribing and editing for church..  oh my goodness, so hmmm how do I say this politely? Let’s just say an  “umph” and push is much needed. So annoyed at my self for getting bored too distracted easily! Ok OKAYYY, Get back to it, Mel!

Be faithful in the little things 🙂