Why do women compare? 

I’m not talking about envying or jealousy here, just the act of “comparing” itself. Though the danger of comparing is becoming jealous and not being content. This can very well be deadly to your soul and spirit! 

I don’t think every woman compares themselves with others. Perhaps certain personalities are more prone, especially perfectionists or those who have high expectations of themselves perhaps? Or those who are not happy with the way they are currently.

So I got back to FB recently  and re-connected with a friend from wayyyyy back. In fact, she’s a lot younger than me. She was part of my life group, we used to be in dance ministry, hanged and shared history together. 

As I was looking at her FB profile – I saw how she has matured so much! Is now a mum to 2 boys, a housewife and teaching piano from home. She loves to cook and is very “girly”.

Now, I’m not saying that I’m jealous towards her, but I felt like wow! She is doing so well now! That is so awesome! However, I could not help but compare! 

My friend is really the perfect housewife- she cooks authentic and complicated dishes, looks amazing and has matured so much. 

The thing is… There will ALWAYS, always be someone who is more capable in certain areas, more this and that… As as women we will generally compare. 

But, isn’t that a bit silly? Why can’t we simply just appreciate  the gifts and talents the other person has

Why can’t we also just THANK God that the person is in a good relationship with Him rather than living a life without God! To just appreciate God’s work in their lives??

Ok- I may not be a chef OR housewife-y, I may not always look glamorous either. Didn’t I want to be simpler anyway in terms of clothing and style? 

[Talking to myself here] Didn’t you want to have a ‘minimalist’ wardrobe, Mel? Why are you now  looking at other people’s clothes? Just appreciate their sense of style and that’s it! Thank God that the person has good sense of style, and let them embrace it! It’s who they are! 

You see, even I compared myself with this friend who I see have grown into such a beautiful lady inside and out. I’m so proud of her, and I hope that she will continue to grow and flourish as a wife, mother and of course as a daughter of God!!

I need to be grateful for the gifts, talents and portion that God has given me. If I would like to be a better cook, then do learn and grow, don’t just compare with other people’s cooking! 

I’m reminding myself too here – but if ever you find yourself  comparing.. Please know that all of us were created by God with specific traits and qualities. If you see another woman with a trait or  quality you admire, THANK Him! Praise God that she is walking with Him and He is using her in her calling and purpose!

If the person is not yet in a right relationship with the Lord, pray that she will be saved and be used by God! If you want to grow in an area that is not your strength, pray and ask God for discernment and guidance. 

Lastly, know that you yourself have MANY ADMIRABLE qualities! Praise and thank God that He has given you this life and the people around you to steward. In all things, give thanks! That’s the best way to remember all that God has done and give Him the glory! 



5 thoughts on “Why do women compare? 

  1. Delon Vaz says:

    Melinda, your heart’s in the right place and that’s what God’s interested in. You are his masterpiece (poema in Greek from where we get the word poem). Keep blogging and stay blessed!

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